Sidestone Press Stonehenge for the Ancestors

  • Sidestone Press Stonehenge for the Ancestors

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Sidestone Press
Online sinds
25 september 2018




For many centuries, scholars and enthusiasts have been fascinated by Stonehenge, the world's most famous stone circle. In 2003 a team of archaeologists commenced a long-term fieldwork project for the first time in decades. The Stonehenge Riverside Project (2003-2009) aimed to investigate the purpose of this unique prehistoric monument by considering it within its wider archaeological context. This is the second of four volumes which present the results of that campaign. It includes studies of the lithics from excavations, both from topsoil sampling and from excavated features, as well as of the petrography of the famous bluestones, as identified from chippings recovered during excavations. Other specialist syntheses are those of the land mollusca. The volume provides an overview of Stonehenge in its landscape over millennia from before the monument was built to the last of its five constructional stages. It concludes with a chapter placing Stonehenge in its full context within Britain and western Europe during the third millennium BC. With contributions by: Umberto Albarella, Michael Allen, Richard Bevins, Benjamin Chan, Robert Ixer, Claudia Minniti, Doug Mitcham and Sarah Viner-Daniels Contents: LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES CONTRIBUTORS PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1. Introduction M. Parker Pearson et al. 2. Lithic scatters in ploughsoil from the Stonehenge landscape D. Mitcham 3. Investigating traditions of stone working and inhabitation in the Stonehenge landscape: the lithics assemblages of the Stonehenge Riverside Project B. Chan 4. Petrography of bluestones and other lithics R. Ixer and R. Bevins 5. The lived-in landscape - environment, landscape and land-use: the land snail evidence M. Allen *6. Before Stonehenge * M. Parker Pearson et al. 7. Stonehenge Stage 1 M. Parker Pearson et al. 8. Stonehenge Stage 2 M. Parker Pearson et al. 9. Stonehenge Stage 3 M. Parker Pearson et al. 10. Stonehenge Stages 4 and 5 M. Parker Pearson et al. 11. Stonehenge in its context M. Parker Pearson et al.



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