Evil Eyes - Cherylann Thomas
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You wont be able to put this book down as it depicts a life of a child who grew up with a psychopath father, malignant narcissist mother, and sexual molesting stepfather. Cherylann is brutally honest in her account of a life filled with loss and abandonment by the very people, her family, who should have protected and loved her. Cherylanns ability to articulate her xperiences are inspiring and gripping. She also forces the reader to take a hard look at the medical community and how they deal with children of abuse who often grow up with poor coping skills and selfdefeating behaviors. Written from the heart, Cherylanns harrowing childhood will keep you up at night. Despite her sad despair, Cherylanns inner strength, courage and justified anger, saved her time and again. This cant put down book will remind readers of the innocence of children and their need for societys protection, even from parents, and in this case, parents who loved themselves more than they loved a precious child named Cherylann. -Jean Sasson New York Times and international bestselling author Princess: A True Story of Life behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia Growing up Bin Laden: Osamas wife and son take us inside their secret world