Sidestone Press Chimes of Time - Boek Sidestone Press (9088900949)

  • Sidestone Press Chimes of Time - Boek Sidestone Press (9088900949)

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Sidestone Press
Online sinds
28 mei 2018
Aantal pagina's
300 pagina's




Het Boek Chimes of Time (9088900949) geschreven door Sidestone Press bestel je op! This book represents an ambitious project that unites various fields in a multidisciplinary venture drawing on a diverse range of academics and clinicians from medicine, psychology and the educational sciences. The volume presents a plethora of essays and reviews by clinicians and academics, including highly personal contributions, some emotive and some self-confessional. Other contributors disclose details of their own personal pain and suffering in relation to critical life events, including illnesses, but also share their own resources and strengths, drawing on reflections and insights derived from literature, arts and psychology as well as medicine. Subsequently, these ideas lead to the creation of models for encouraging personal development: coping despite adversity and eventually finding meaning towards recovery both physically and psychologically. The authors are all very reflective, providing valuable advice for young practitioners and "afflicted" alike. The revelations of these distinguished contributors highlight the powerful role of psycho-history and biography in understanding which persons have influenced our lives, and what events have shaped us, and how may these have influenced our personal and working lives. Few scientific books address the wide spectrum of challenges required to resolve such developmental issues. This psychological battleground allows us to share and capitalise on the wealth and diversity of personal encounters with what often appears to be insurmountable obstacles, but which are wounds healed through patience and continued practice. This collection of essays is an attempt to bridge theoretical and research concepts and findings with clinical practice, adopting an interdisciplinary and crosscultural perspective. Accordingly, this book will be relevant and useful for practitioners and researchers, but also for laymen and social policy makers. The intended readership thus represents a very broad and diverse audience to include those interested in health psychology, sociology, anthropology, public health and mental health sciences. The book contains contributions by the following authors: Bruce Kirkcaldy, Arnold Weinstein, Peter K. Chadwick, Robert Miller, David Lukoff, Frederick J. Frese, Gordon Claridge, Neus Barrantes-Vidal, Nisha Dogra, Thandi Haruperi, Aleksandra Tokarz, Emile A. Allen, Amanda K. Ekdawi, Adrian Furnham, Michael W. Eysenck and Peter R. Breggin. Nederlandse beschrijving: Zorgprofessionals helpen en behandelen anderen, maar zelden onthullen zij hun eigen ervaringen als patiënt. 'Chimes of Time' is een nieuw en uniek boek met 16 veelal autobiografische hoofdstukken van internationaal gerenommeerde artsen en andere professionals uit de medische, psychologische en academische sector. Wat deze auteurs gemeen hebben is dat zij allemaal persoonlijke ervaringen hebben met het soort aandoening dat zij als professionals behandelen, waaronder kanker, psychoses en besmetting met HIV. De auteurs beschrijven hun eigen ervaringen als patiënt en hoe deze hun professionele carrières beïnvloed hebben. Dit boek vormt daarmee een unieke publicatie die het gat overbrugt tussen zorgverleners en ontvangers. Dit boek is daarmee uitermate relevant voor zorgprofessionals, onderzoekers en beleidsmakers maar is ook geschikt voor een algemener geïnteresseerd publiek. Chimes of Time - Table of Contents: Introduction: When, why and how healers can profit from their own vulnerability? by Bruce Kirkcaldy The Wounded Healer in Literature by Arnold Weinstein Before and After Psychosis: Is there anything positive to be gained from the experience? by Peter K. Chadwick Steps Towards Better Collaboration Between Stakeholders to Promote Mental Health and to Alleviate Disablement due to Mental Illness by Robert Miller A Contemporary Shamanistic Initiatory Crisis by David



Studieboek (Tip! Bekijk de top 10)
Online sinds
28 mei 2018


Aantal pagina's
300 pagina's


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